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NY Forward Process

The NY Forward program couples strategic planning with prompt project implementation. NY Forward communities are paired with a consultant team and a project lead from the Department of State (DOS), who guide them through a targeted community-based planning process geared towards developing a Strategic Investment Plan (SIP). The SIP includes a list of transformative and catalytic projects, which are recommended to the State for funding using the NY Forward funds.


Through the NY Forward program, downtowns in small villages and hamlets as well as neighborhood scale commercial centers will receive planning and implementation support needed to attract more businesses, residents, and visitors, while also providing a higher quality of life for all residents.


The NY Forward process and development of the SIP broadly includes the following steps:


Step 1:
Local Planning Committee

A Local Planning Committee (LPC) comprised of local and regional leaders, stakeholders, and community representatives intended to represent diverse interests is convened to oversee the planning process and development of the SIP.

As the steering body of the process, the LPC meets regularly to brainstorm ideas, provide direction to the consultant team, review planning products, discuss potential projects, and prioritize actions. These meetings are open to the public.

The Montgomery NY Forward LPC members are as follows:

  • Village of Montgomery Mayor Mike Hembury

  • Dr. Kris Young: ​SUNY Orange President

  • Marc Devitt: President of Devitt Hospitality

  • Dr Susan Dean: Director of Operations for McKesson’s Distribution Center, Board Member, Business Council of Greater Montgomery

  • Amy Frisbie: Village of Montgomery Planning Board Chair, Co-Chair Montgomery Community Fund

  • Jose Hernandez, Village of Montgomery, Board of Ethics, Town of Montgomery IDA

  • Bob Reynolds, Village Community Leader, Past President of the Montgomery Fire Department

  • Sylvie Rainaldi, Member Residents Protecting Montgomery, Trustee Town of Montgomery EMS

  • Brian Fitzpatrick, Village Historian

Step 2:
Public Engagement

Step 3:
Visions, Goals, and Revitalization Strategies 

Step 4:
Priority Projects

Throughout the planning process, the public is invited to proactively contribute ideas that guide the LPC, DOS, and consultant team for the development of the SIP. Notices of public workshops, local outreach activities, and other opportunities to provide input will be posted on this website and publicized through print, media, and online channels. Please check back regularly for updates.

Based on community input, the LPC develops a guiding framework including a community vision, action-oriented goals to support the vision, and measurable strategies to guide project development and implementation. These coordinated actions, objectives, and planning approach are the guiding framework for the SIP.

The LPC identifies key transformative projects to advance the community vision and goals. Priority projects are intended to transform the physical environment of the NY Forward area in ways that will benefit current residents and future generations. In some cases, they may also include non-capital projects that can lead to capital investment which in turn will revitalize the NY Forward area. All priority projects will be reviewed by the State prior to any selection or award.

Step 5:
Strategic Investment Plan

The SIP includes the objectives and goals defined under the NY Forward Program. The plan is a compilation of the community's vision and goals for downtown, specific implementation strategies to achieve those goals, an assessment of downtown conditions, and profiles of transformative projects that could be implemented using NY Forward funding.

Step 6:

Projects from each community are evaluated by the State, which after its due diligence, identifies those projects best suited for NY Forward funding. Announcements of the funded projects are made by the Governor. Once projects are announced, the State will contract with the entity responsible for implementing the project. All State procurement procedures must be followed and NY Forward funding is provided on a reimbursable basis.

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